ZigZag Nutrition
ZigZag Nutrition
🌿 On Weed & Cannabis: My Thoughts 💭

🌿 On Weed & Cannabis: My Thoughts 💭

Saying What Needs to Be Said for Full Context

From a place of first principles, let us start off by defining our terms.

Cannabis, or Hemp, is the name of the plant.

Weed, marijuana (or other miscellaneous names) refer to various products that are made from the cannabis plant. These terms are often used interchangeably but really are quite different.

The cannabis plant contains about 540 chemical substances, some of these you may have heard about before. Some maybe not.

Marijuana THC vs CBD, CBG, CBN: What’s the difference? What are health benefits of each?

Tetrahydrocannabinol (THC) - THC is the substance that’s primarily responsible for the effects of marijuana on a person’s mental state. Some cannabis plants contain very little THC. Under U.S. law, these plants are considered “industrial hemp” rather than marijuana. 🌿

Drugs containing cannabinoids may be helpful in treating certain rare forms of epilepsy, nausea and vomiting associated with cancer chemotherapy, and loss of appetite and weight loss associated with HIV/AIDS. In addition, some evidence suggests modest benefits of cannabis or cannabinoids for chronic pain and multiple sclerosis symptoms. Cannabis isn’t helpful for glaucoma. Research on cannabis or cannabinoids for other conditions is in its early stages.

Learn more here: National Center for Complementary and Integrative Health

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🎧 In today’s audio podcast 🎤

I focus on the relationship of cannabis to mental health, specifically the use of weed / marijuana and its influence on the psychiatry and psychology of a person.

What we must understand always - in all aspects of health and wellness and personalized medicine - is that context is critically important. There are countless niche and nuanced aspects of this conversation I’m sure we could have. But for the purposes of the perspective I wanted to share today, I want you to keep in context the perspective I’m holding space for - one in which is focused on the use of marijuana and the impact to kids, youth, young adults, and society at large.

You’re welcome to share your perspectives in the comments below or check out some of my community’s favorite stories related to today’s topic linked below. 👇

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ZigZag Nutrition
Connecting the dots in Holistic & Integrative Health to empower us to grow in a healthier direction with a more informed and collective culture of health, prevention, nutrition, psychiatry, sleep, functional medicine, fitness and so much more.